Monday, July 30, 2012

Final days...

The past couple of weeks I have been getting stuff ready for my big college adventure; but the past couple of days it has been crunch time. I have asked myself: "Should choosing what clothes to take to college be harder than actually choosing what college to go to?" I have found out that yes, it is indeed way harder choosing what clothes to take. The thing that has helped me the most is that I have to take warm clothes... If it cannot be worn with a sweater or a shirt under it, it is not going with me. The hardest thing though has been choosing what shoes to take... To say the least I LOVE shoes. I am only allowing myself to take one bin full of shoes. Not including snow boots, and UGGS. Other than these few dilemma's I am almost ready to go! The last minute things that need to be thrown in are the only things left. The countdown has started and I only have 2 weeks and 5 days left!!! :)

*Some of the chosen shoes needed a bath! :) 


Monday, July 23, 2012

Stepping stones that test your life.

Yesterday: Sunday July 22, 2012; I said goodbye to one of my very best friends. Austin Phillips is on his way to becoming a United States Marine! I have known about this day for a while, but it was still heart wrenching and very very bitter sweet.

I got up especially early because of the time difference; so that I could Skype with him one last time before verbal communication is gone for 3 months. It was early here but oh so worth it! :) We didn't really talk but it was just nice to "hang out" for one last time! About two hours later I got one last phone call from him and that was the icing on the cake! He told me: "Shae, don't you worry about anything else but your school and your swimming. These short 3 months will fly by, and as soon as you know it we will be talking until the VERY late hours of the night on Skype!" This gave me a peace of mind! Now, all I can say is that I can't wait to start writing him! That address can't get here fast enough!!

*Friends for Life! 

The only other semi-exciting thing that has been happening in my life is that I have been buying everything under the moon for my dorm and then everything else I need for college! A HUGE thanks needs to go out to those who have helped 'donate' to my college fund! :) Every penny has gone to something great, and useful! I fell like such a big girl! I bought myself a MICROWAVE!!!! haha This was my first big purchase and it was awesome! (Even though I bought a pair of Tennis shoes a couple days later that were more than the microwave... Comfort is key I guess.) 

Other than that my life has been pretty much the same! Nannying, hanging out, and trying to get ready for college! :) 

About 2 hours after I posted this I almost died of a panic attack. I thought I was going to lunch with my mom and grandma but little did I know that was not true. We walk in to Chick-fil-a and start to order our food. Then I see it. The Cow. I absolutely HATE mascots! Even worse than bird feet..... It comes walking out of the back, and my heart starts beating a little bit faster, but I am still doing ok. Then, it comes from behind the counter, I am still doing somewhat alright... Then I am standing there facing the register and I see in the kitchen door, the Cow, standing right behind me. My heart now feels like I just ran a couple miles. At this moment my mom scoots over and stands behind me; because she knows how badly they scare me. Especially the Cow. Then she has to pay, so she slides back over and leaves me totally exposed and vulnerable!!! The next moment was the worst moment EVER! I feel this giant hoof resting on my shoulder!! THE COW TOUCHED ME!!! At this moment I totally lose it, my eyes start to swell up and my heart is puttering like a hummingbirds! I finally get so overwhelmed that I have to make an escape to the bathroom... Once I make it to the bathroom I am ok... Then I walk back out and find a seat (Only facing forward, I didn't dare risk having my back exposed.) Long story short I eat my lunch on ultra high alert, and get out of there ASAP! :) 


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Today, yesterday, tomorrow?! The days are running together!

It has been a few weeks since I have posted, but the past few weeks have been crazy!! I do not even know where to start... I guess I will start by sharing some activities that I have been doing with the kids I nanny!

These two are little fireballs!! Everyday is non-stop packed with lessons, camps, friends, dogs, chickens, fashion shows, light saber fights, and so much more!!! Here are some pictures that are pretty self explanatory! Please enjoy:


*Fashion Show! 

*Light Saber fight. Ike won. 

*Beauty Salon 101. 

*Beauty break in the shower

*My stylist 

*Final product..... Cute huh?!

I decided to take the kids I nanny back to the good ole' times from my childhood! We made Cucumber boats!! My grandma used to make these with my cousins and I all the time! We loved to float them in the gutter, bath tub, and pretty much any place that had a decent stream of water! They had so much fun with these and so did I! When we went to race these everything went A-OK! Until... we had a runaway cucumber! When we realized we wouldn't be able to catch it we ran downstream and then Zoyee took a plunge for the team! The next thing I know I have one soaking wet girl holding the champion cucumber boat! It was so fun and such a great way to burn some time! 

*My boat. Complete with paint splatter duct tape! 

The next exciting event was my little cousin's 4th birthday!!! He is such a cutie pie and I love him to death! We got him a Thomas the Train coal mining train set, and that is all his parents heard about for the rest of the night and for days after! He "wrote" a thank you note to us saying that he begs to stay up late to play with his set and that he also doesn't always eat all of his breakfast because he needs to get in train time before day care! He is such a stud! Love you Austin! 

The 4th of July has always been a heart wrenching holiday for me! It has had so much meaning to me not only in the past but even more now! One of my best friends leaves for the Marine Corps in less than two weeks and this holiday was a huge reminder of what he is sacrificing for not only me but my family, friends and this whole country! People like Austin and my Grandpa are my heroes! They were willing to sacrifice something so massive for us to be able to have a small firework show in their honor! I love everyone that is in the armed forces and I thank you too! 

My all time favorite summer activity has got to be flaming in Franklin, Idaho! It is so redneck that it is not even funny! But, it is possibly one of the funnest things you will ever do! Take a look at these pictures and try not to be too jealous! 

I will leave you with some very touching photo's that I just fell in love with when I saw them! I hope they have the same effect on you! 

This is my ALL TIME favorite! :)
